My First Show

My First Show

👋 Hi, I'm Nicholas Roberts. I create and perform music and write this daily blog about creativity, culture, and my life.

I live in Los Angeles with my wife and golden retriever.

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Last night, I played my first show in a while.

I say "first show" because I played all new songs. For the last few years, I've spent the majority of my time writing and releasing pop music from my home or studio.

But over the last 12 months, I've been rediscovering an old passion.

I grew up playing the guitar. And in college, I joined a folk rock band.

I wrote and played all of our songs on an acoustic guitar in my living room or while I was out running errands. The songs felt rough and honest.

Last night, my best friend hosted a show in his backyard with five other musicians.

We each played a few songs and shared stories with our friends. About thirty people were in attendance, singing along to songs they'd just learned from all of us.

I'm scheduling more shows in the coming months and I hope they're all as magical as this first one.

Although I had to shake off my nerves to get on stage and share these new songs for the first time, I couldn't have asked for a more welcoming crowd and group of friends.

Also, I'm going to start keeping a diary of shows.