Today, I Was Mean

Today, I Was Mean

👋 Hi, I'm Nicholas Roberts. I create and perform music and write this daily blog about creativity, culture, and my life.

I live in Los Angeles with my wife and golden retriever.

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A door-to-door salesman from Spectrum knocked on my door at 6 PM, trying to sell me Internet services. I was trying to eat a burrito — my first real meal all day besides a PB&J for breakfast.

I used to have Spectrum, but not by choice. They were the only game in town for years. If you wanted to get online, you had to be a Spectrum customer.

Then, AT&T came along and offered faster internet for less money, and many customers jumped ship, including me.

Now, Spectrum is sending out door-to-door salespeople to try and win back some customers.

I'd been having a crummy day, and when the guy knocked on my door, I was short with him. I told him to never come back. He kept insisting that he'd be back soon to follow up. I yelled from the porch, "Don't ever come back!"

It felt like a throwaway comedy routine.

After he left, I felt really bad about taking out my anger towards a billion dollar corporation on a guy just trying to put food on the table. I doubt he wants to be walking neighborhoods selling cable and WiFi bundles either.

Whoever you were, I'm sorry I was mean. But I'm never going back to Spectrum.